Pink Lightness


This enchanting bouquet of pink gypsophila captivates with its delicate beauty and romantic mood. Pink gypsophila symbolizes lightness, tenderness, and warmth, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and elegance. Perfect for any celebration or as a heartfelt gesture, this bouquet makes a wonderful gift that adds vibrant colors and positivity to the lives of those you cherish.

To keep your bouquet fresh and beautiful for as long as possible, follow these simple tips. First, remove the packaging from the flowers to help them breathe and take in water more effectively. Next, carefully remove any leaves that may be submerged in the water to prevent contamination. Trim the stems at a 45-degree angle using a clean knife or scissors to ensure better water absorption.
To prevent bacteria growth, clean the vase with an antibacterial agent and change the water every few days. Use a vase with a minimum capacity of 1 liter and fill it with cool water, ideally at a temperature of 50-59°F. For longer-lasting flowers, add a special flower food to the water.
Place the bouquet in a cool location, away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and drafts, to keep it fresh for a longer time. These simple steps will help your bouquet remain lively and attractive.


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